An ideological Peruvian company in Holland
Takkla Inkary is a member of CSR Netherlands, a foundation which promotes corporate social responsibility.
Inkapacha means the Inca-world . In the Andes we still find people who live according to the vision of the Inca-world. It is the vision of the people who are descended from and believe in the Inca-civilization of South-America. This civilization has achieved the great knowledge and command of kausay pacha (living energy) and the harmony of the cycle of life with its natural environment and the balance between spirituality and matter.
A couple of things are important in the search for this balance. These are the three elements that create together the source of life and the three worlds in which one finds itself. These three elements are also called viracocha (=beginning of life).
Al these aspects of kausay pacha are still very topical for the people of the Andes. This search for harmony and balance has a strong appeal to people all over the world.
Based on these aspects the Incas have practised the harmony also in dealing with the organization of the territory in which they lived. They divided their territory into four parts (suyos) and in every territory the four laws were practiced (kamachy).
According to the cosmic vision of Inkapacha we are a living energy who travels, who keeps moving in time and space, both together and individual (the energy comes through at your moment, having individual as well as joint energy). ‘Our energy has come through in our body at this moment and time and in this space. Our energy stays forever, even though when it is no longer in our body’.
Goal of Taklla Inkary
Taklla-Inkary, from now on we call it Taklla, is a Peruvian-Dutch business with an ideological goal. This goal is to support the authentic ecosystem of the community of Totora in Apurimac Peru. This business is occupied in several ways to protect and preserve the identity, the culture and the way of life in this environment. Taklla makes this happen by means of musical shows , direct trade to Holland from the village and neighbourhood. And from 2004 also by means of ecotourism from Holland to Totora and the surrounding communities.
The name Taklla-Inkary
Inkary means: “Yes to the Inka”. Taklla is a shortening but also another word for a foot-plough of the Incas (see picture). The shortening: T: Totora = the name of the village, A: Ayllu = family, K: Kuska = together, LL: Llankay = work, A: Apurimac = the name of the province.
Origin and Vision
“Finding a balance between spirituality and matter”, that is the most important spring of Peruvian Alma Inkary, in his battle to preserve the ecological values and standards of the Inca-people in his native-soil Totora in the Andes.
At the age of fifteen Alma Inkary left his native-soil Totora and went to Lima, the capital of Peru. Over there was a great lack of understanding about the situation in the countryside. In Totora people still mainly live according to the culture of their Inca-ancestors, in which the three elements are very important. In Totora live about 3000 people and the inhabitants live on cattle-breeding and agriculture. They can completely take care of themselves and therefore they are almost totally independent of the outer world.
In the capital Lima Alma met his first Europeans. Until then to him Europe was as unattainable as going to the moon. After five years of travelling through South-America he ended in Holland, through Venezuela where he was acknowledged as a voluntary cultural co-worker of the embassy of Peru and through the Dutch Antilles.
Alma discovered in his contacts with Europeans that there was a remarkable agreement in his ideological goal and the growing interest that the Western society has developed in the environment. “In the industrialized consumer society, modern techniques to protect the environment, like recycling and sun-energy, are becoming more and more important. Where I come from there is no such thing as industrialization, but the people are happy. You can ask yourself who is the one who’s 150 years behind the times. Because the Western society seeks that one thing what we always have had.”